NLXL at Twentieth

Twentieth now represents NLXL wallpaper.
NLXL wallpaper uses implied textures that stretch beyond graphic designs into life-like representations of materials such as marble, wood and concrete. This appearance is further enhanced by the fact that none of the designs repeat.
Below is a small selection of styles along with some insight from their corresponding designers.


"Concrete with its sober, subdued character is one of my favorite materials. And now there is this fabulous wallpaper which lets one transform a space, be it a wall or ceiling easily and in a very affordable way. Another huge advantage is that minor damages don't show. They seemingly disappear naturally in the structure."

CON-07 by Piet Boon


CON-03 by Piet Boon

CON-02 by Piet Boon


From Job Smeets: “Where do you put the paintings?”, I hear someone asking, frowning. My reply: “The white wall behind a painting is an idea of modernism. In the 17th and 18th centuries, it was not uncommon to present art on silk wallpaper with very busy patterns. But let me put it another way: you don’t need paintings with this wallpaper. This is beyond styling.”

Perished by Studio Job



“A lot of companies have made marble reproduction products, but never in the way we envisioned it. So we decided to give it a try. When the printing proofs came in we were thrilled. You just want to install it everywhere! Besides marble we were working on other materials, like a Burnt Wood wallpaper. We decided that we could not do this without the expertise of Maarten Baas, famous for his Smoked furniture collection. Maarten liked the idea, and together we made a Burnt Wood wallpaper.”

Burnt Wood by Piet Hein Eek & Maarten Baas


White Marble by Piet Hein Eek

Black Marble by Piet Hein Eek

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